Sisters Supporting Sisters

We are here for you.

Whenever you are ready is the right time.

RAHAMA (Resources And Help Against Marital Abuse) is the only female- and Muslim-led nonprofit organization in Western New York that specializes in underserved immigrant, refugee, and Muslim women facing domestic violence.

We serve all women.

 Our goal is to empower survivors and guide them to independence.

We provide services throughout the entire journey.

Our Mission

Founded on Islamic principles, RAHAMA supports women experiencing domestic abuse through advocacy, counseling, education, and housing.

Our Vision

We strive towards being a guiding organization in a community where women are safe, know their rights, and live without abuse.

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Act against those who oppress people and transgress against justice.

Qur'an 7:29


Women and Children Served


Services Provided


Miles Driven


Years Established

Our Services


We are a nonprofit agency that supports domestic violence survivors with intensive case management, interpretation in 10 languages, court accompaniment, legal referrals, government services, and much more.


Women and children needing relocation can find safety in our transitional housing. We provide a discreet location where they can work on their goals to build an independent life.


We provide one-on-one, spiritual and trauma-informed counseling from partner agencies. We also facilitate support groups where women with similar experiences can connect.


We believe education is a key step in becoming empowered. We provide ESL classes, culturally-sensitive parenting classes, a peer-to-peer program, and much more. We guide our women to become independent.

Learn more about our services

Support Our Cause

Every act of kindness, small or large, betters someone's life. When we all work together as a community, Survivors can get the help they need. 


It is our hope that all Survivors of DV will one day live the life that they deserve, with peace and stability.

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